Lincolnshire Organ Association
Established 1968
Affiliated to the IAO
About Us
The LOA has over forty members across the county, and in a few cases, beyond its borders. Many are organists in churches and chapels of various denominations, possessing every level of proficiency, while others are not organists themselves but love the sound of the instrument and are keen to see the organ and organ-playing flourish in the county.

We meet about once a month. Some meetings feature talks on all aspects of the organ and church music, some are visits to organs, when those who wish to get the chance to play, and some entirely social occasions such as the annual dinner. We have, in the past, organise residential holidays, which gives us the chance of exploring some other parts of the country over several days.

We are always keen to welcome new members, but the help and advice we can offer is not limited to members. The days many people find themselves ‘volunteered’ to play the organ on the basis of their being pianists. Such ‘reluctant organists’ may know little or nothing about such things as stops, having more than one keyboard to choose from, pedals and swell pedals, yet these things are easily explained and there is probably a member of the Lincolnshire Organ Association living nearby who would be happy to help. An important part of our work is putting those who want advice in touch with those who can provide it, just needs an email to our association to get in touch.

We do have a bursary fund which we use to assist organ scholars, residing within the county of Lincolnshire, with purchasing organ music for their organ examinations and help with the fee.
Please contact the treasurer for more details. (treasurer.lincolnshireorganists@gmail.com)